If you would like to leave a message for fellow
alumni, send it as an email to Barbara Brink [barbara.brink@ucr.edu]
for posting to this site.
Sorry to miss this event. Just turned 21 and enjoying
life after finishing my Masters and now completing my 1st year
of Law at University of Miami. Leaving for Europe on 14 May for
6 weeks of study.Hope everyone has fun and maybe I can make
the next one. UCR is nice but Miami is the place to
— Mark Stump, 03
What a great idea! I'm sorry I'll be out of the
country at the time of the reunion, but send my greetings to everyone,
those I remember and those to be met at a future reunion.
— Sharon Saxton Davies, '65
All Poli Sci alumni: Has it really been over 22
years since I graduated from UCR? Seems like yesterday. Anyone
remember Independent Presidential candidate John Anderson? Yes,
I worked on his campaign way back when. I hope to see more alumni
from the early 1980's. See you there.
— Bonnie J. (Smith) Flach, '82
I am sorry to say that cannot make it! I am
finishing up law school in Chicago and the reunion is during finals
week and right before graduation. I hope everyone has a
great time! Wish me luck on the California Bar!
— Brianne Murphy, '02
UCR PoliSci Department - A Land of Opportunity
For me, the Political Science major at UCR provided
a constant array of Opportunity. I got the chance to hear brilliant
lectures on a regular basis. I know this because any lecture that
could keep me awake had to be brilliant, and I recall being awake
for several of them. As a freshman, I had the pleasure of attending
a seminar with Dr. Way in Idyllwild, which in my mind's eye remains
one of the most beautiful places I had ever visited to that point
in my life. Of course, I was raised in the San Fernando Valley
among people who believed Highland Springs was a hot vacation
spot because you could play cards there, so I may be damning Idyllwild
with faint praise. The Political Science Department channeled
me into Model United Nations, where I had the opportunity to assume
the role of some godforsaken third world country when I should
have been the U.S.S.R. so I could apply Dr. Schwartz' teachings.
I'm not bitter, though. The travel opportunity alone was worth
giving up my communist dreams. The convention was in Kansas City.
I experienced my first pina colada–in a mason jar. Then I had
my second pina colada. The U.S.S.R. rep got vodka.
The Poli Sci major also offered internships, for
which I will be forever grateful to Dr. Loveridge. I helped plan
bike paths for the cyclists in San Bernardino. My bicycle
was stolen from the dorm bike racks. I spent a quarter away in
the State Controller's office, followed by a part-time summer
job there, researching issues because the Controller was running
for governor against Democrat Jerry Brown. He lost, dashing my
hopes for political patronage, and teaching me two of the most
valuable lessons of all: First, I was going to have to work for
a living. Second, a Republican could never win the governorship
of such a liberal state as California. I fell into the position
of accommodations chairman for the first two-day high school Model
United Nations conference on the UCR campus. I booked sumptuous
hotel accommodations all over town for the visiting high school
students--at all three hotels--then returned to my four-guys-to-a-bathroom
suite at Bannockburn, with the gorgeous vista of the parking area
and vacant lot beyond. The next year, I served as co-chair of
the entire high school conference. It was my last job promotion.
On a broader scale, UCR itself seemed like a land
of opportunity–less competition for desirable classes (sex education
was pass/fail, thank goodness) and for plum extra-curricular positions.
I became a reporter for the Highlander my first year.
Oh, how I revered the news editor, John Fox, who had actually
interned at the L.A. Times Washington, D.C. bureau. The next year
I became news editor. Oh, how I cursed John Fox for the legacy
I had to live up to. The social aspect of UCR was important as
well. We could have built the beer can pyramid in any dorm, after
all, but where else could we TP a bell tower? The friends I made
at UCR became the people with whom I was most comfortable for
years, and they will always have a special place in my heart.
Alas, my stay at this great school ended too soon.
I graduated a year early thanks to advanced placement units, a
full academic load each quarter, summer school, and permission
from Dr. Loveridge as department chairman to graduate with one
unit less than required owing to an incomplete in statistics (which
due to irremediable anal compulsiveness I completed anyway). Dr.
Loveridge paid me the best possible tribute, telling my parents
at the graduation ceremony that he had never seen a student accomplish
so much in so little time. My parents could not believe he was
talking about their slow, slovenly son. So they took another kid
The educational opportunities at UCR have led to
the ultimate irony: They enabled me to attend UCLA Law School,
and now I cannot come to the reunion because I will be in trial.
To recycle a college phrase, what a bummer!
— Steve Shuman,‘75
I'm sorry I won't be able to make this reunion.
Looks like lots of fun. I'm still in Paris where I
am treasurer for Valeo (auto components multinational).
Before I worked as a banker for Chase in NY and Paris. Who
would have ever thought I'd have a career path like that!?!
I have 3 children and keep busy as scoutmaster for the American
boy scout troop in France.
Hi to all my friends from UCR!
— John
Thomason, '82
I am so sorry to miss the opportunity to hug and
kiss Milo Oswald, Paul Placek, Mark Stell, Tom Taylor, David Hirsh
and John Christopher Caps again. I worked the desk in Aberdeen
at Kilmarnock and the kitchens. God bless Crazy Frank and ballooning
and the dish room crew. I loved all of my Viet Nam Vet wheel chair
crew. All of those streakings, all of the omelets, and late night
philosphizing with TIm Jolly; then Scotland and studying in Edinburgh
and playing volleyball overseas. Jennifer Rabun and Jeter Fleming,
I still miss you both. Debroah Ann Vessals- that should teach
you that rum is an evil beverage- a lesson remembered thrity years
later. I teach now, a noble profession, history and home ec. Drop
a line- vnoz@aol.com
— Vicki Nosanov 1973-1977
I'm sorry I won't be able to attend. As I write this, I am 40
weeks pregnant, awaiting the arrival of my first child. Since
leaving UCR in '96, I have been wondering about my peers from
'93-'96 and where life has taken them. I hope they will post to
the board even if they attend so I can see what everybody has
been doing.
As for myself, after leaving UCR, I shifted gears
and became an elementary school teacher in South El Monte. After
finishing my credential, I moved back to Bakersfield, where I
became a sixth grade teacher in my old neighborhood. I met my
future husband, William, shortly after moving to Bakersfield,
and we were married in 2000. Will is an 8 year vet of the U.S.
Navy and has been a mechanic since leaving the Navy to be closer
to home. Our first child, Jonathan, was due on April 2, and with
any luck will be here soon. I will post a picture of my family
in the scrapbook after his arrival.
— Cheryl (Harmer) Cassidy, M.A. '96 (waldo_2_04@yahoo.com)
Won't be able to join you and Hank Carney, Frank
Way, et. al., this time. My Memory Lane best to all I knew way
back when!
Bill Olmsted
Pol sci, 1958
I'm sorry I will be unable to attend the reunion,
but it sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Best wishes to all
who attend.
— Sarahann Shapiro, Class of 88.
Dear Barbara:
Bravo for the UCR poli sci conference!
Che Guevara sends revolutionary
For those still alive who have asked,
"Whatever happened to Irv Hall?" Ask no more. I've settled
in a rural community in central New York, writing a weekly political
satire, We're Not in Kansas Anymore.
I attach "Irv
Hall, Campus Radical," the centerpiece of a Spring 1970
issue of the Highlander with a description of a political science
class at the time. The piece will be on the website where you
can find the photograph of my confrontation with Ronald Reagan
during the 1970 convention of the Western Political Science Association.
My web bio may stir some nostalgia, or worse. A few years ago,
Bill Elledge wrote an article on the period in the alumni magazine
featuring the photo of my receiving my M.A. in political science
attired in crimson under shorts, white spats and blue socks.
Hey! It was great time to be a grad
student in political science at UCR!
I'd love to join you May 14. To
be brutally honest, only penury prevents me from doing so. A wise
political science professor (actually several) once told me, "You
can save the world or you can save for your retirement, but you
can't do both."
He was right. Why am I laughing?
Hope you find my work funny. My
attendance at future conferences hinges on its success.
— Irving Wesley Hall
Click here
for "Irv Hall,
Campus Radical"
Sorry I can't attend. I'm a full professor at the
University of West Georgia (just outside Atlanta), where I am
also Director of the Murphy Public Service Center.
— Stanley M. Caress Ph.D. '78
Fellow alumni,
I truly regret I will not be attending the reunion.
Great fun reading some of the other entries here, particularly
that from Irv Hall. Ah, the memories. Dave Dezerega--Emily Card--names
from the late sixties-early seventies in the UCR poli-sci department.
- I remember Irv, grad-student-cum-teaching assistant come back
from Cuba, explaining wondrously how little urchins would come
up to him clutching wads of pesos. WADS OF THEM! THEY MUST HAVE
BEEN RICH! Of course, I was a little undergraduate then, young,
foolish, easily led, and really hadn't digested the concept
of currency devaluation. Ah, the ripostes that would have been
possible had I just been a bit more clever. Perhaps I would
have been able to enlighten Irv and righteously turn him toward
a career as an investment banker. Or maybe not.
- A second memory. Graduation week, my almost-minted poli-sci
BA in my hand, and leaving in a few months for the Woodrow Wilson
School at Princeton for a two-year public policy MPA program.
Overheard one of my classmates casually remark that her brother
had a new job "traveling around the world, opening up bank
branches." I can't tell you how that thought, so off-handedly
tossed off, appealed to me! Still remember it to this day. Ended
up graduating from Princeton and working overseas for Citibank!
I'm glad her brother didn't take a job handling toxic waste.
For I was young...foolish...easily led.
All my profs were fabulous: Randy Siverson, Frank
Way--constitutional law--Ron Chilcote, Dave McClellan--and a special
regard for the memory of John Stanley. Regardless of how much
I may have appreciated them at the time, their value increases.
My regrets if I've not listed one or two.
As for my life, three careers, really. Ten years in international
banking in New York and overseas, about the same amount of time
with my own real estate management firm in Manhattan, and now
running a wealth management firm with offices in Florida and Pennsylvania.
But you know? I've not heard a carillon since 1970. It's been
too long. Perhaps I'm afraid to hear those chimes again.
Give a shout, any of you, if you've a mind. Email me at rperea@tampabay.rr.com.
My website: http://www.richardperea.com.
—Richard Perea, '70
I send regrets at not being able to attend the Political
Science Dept. Alumni Reunion. I think it is a great idea!
I have not strayed far from the UCR motherland, having lived in
Riverside now for most of 25 years, along with my wife Denise
('84,'85 and two sons Daniel 13 and Matthew 9). Since graduating
in 1984, i worked in local government, went to seminary and have
now for many years been a campus
pastor teaching students how to love God and love their neighbor.
I have the joy of spending time with UCR students regularly. When
UCR students tell me they are Poli Sci majors i tell them they've
picked the best major on campus. I have fond memories of classes
with Grace Saltzstein, Ron Loveridge, Max Neiman, Charles Adrian,
Prof. Regan, and John Gabbert. The local Riverside politics and
government scene remains an avocation; the Local section of the
Press Enterprise is my favorite part of the paper!
Tom Allen - Class of 1984, Political Science/Administrative Studies
I am Ruth Koller Burke and graduated from UCR in
1992. I went to law school at Santa Clara University and graduated
in 1995. I currently practice law and manage the trust and estate
planning department at Jackson & Wallace LLP in San Francisco.
We have a daugther, Beverly, who is 3 years old and a son, Charlie,
who is 7 months old. We live in Moraga in Northern California,
and are near our families. I have such fond memories of the poli
sci department at UCR, especially the many good times with Ron
Loveridge, internships, a trip to Sacramento, and internship in
DC. I am so appreciative of the education I received at UCR.
My husband, Tim Burke, graduated from UCR in 1993. We met in a
poli sci class :). He went on to get his MBA from the University
of San Francisco and his Masters in Engineering (ME, I believe)
from the University of Colorado. He currently works for Wipro
Technologies in Business Development. He has also worked as an
adjunct professor at St. Mary's College in Moraga and
at the University of San Francisco.
We hope the reunion will be success and that it will be an annual
event which we can make next year...a great excuse for a long
Our contact information as of July 15, 2005 (we are moving soon)
Ruth and Tim Burke
573 Augusta Drive
Moraga, CA 94556
Sorry I won't be able to attend the reunion. I'd
like to send my best to all the faculty I worked with, especially
to Frank Way and Ron Loveridge. I look back on fond memories of
a small campus, and close relationships with faculty mentors.
A very special place in the 1960's. I am coming to the end of
a career most of which was spent at Eastern Washington University
with experience as everything from faculty member in Government
thru Dean to Provost and Interim President - with a short turn
as Interim President at Lewis-Clark State College. After two brief
retirements I am now working parttime in the College of Business
and Public Administration at Eastern. Two children and three grandchildren
make it all worthwhile. Enjoy the reunion and I look forward to
the next one when I may really be retired.
Niel Zimmerman, Classes of '65, '66, '70
The long, strange, trip continues. I hope everyone
coming to the reunion is as pleased with the decisions they made
so long ago--and since-- as I am. I'm looking forward to seeing
some familiar faces and maybe creating some on-the-spot revisionist
Phil Gianos, Ph.D. '71
I deeply regret that I will not be able to visit
with my UCR poli sci friends at this reunion- Aligra Fortunati,
Pamela Abrams, Barbara Way and Armen Antonion. I would love to
hear from you. I want to take this opportunity and thank five
superb teachers and scholars from whom I learned a great deal-
professors Ronald Chilcote, Melvin Gurtov, Max Nieman, Francis
Carney and Barbara Sinclair. My highest regard to the fond memory
of Charles Adrian and John Stanley, two brilliant scholars, and
Arthur Turner, a great teacher. My special thanks to Professor
Frank Way, a gifted scholar and a first-rate chair of the political
science Department, for his encouragement and support. Filling
their big shoes will not be easy. I am hopeful that the political
science faculty will strive for excellence in teaching and research
and help make UCR political science department the special place
it once was.
As for my career, it came full circle. I taught at UCI and Vassar
and later left academia for Wall Street. I started as a stockbroker
and became investment and securities analyst at Titan Value Equites;
thereafter I became a senior investment planning executive for
strategic markets at Metlife Securties, working with high net
worth individuals. However, at heart I remained an academic and
wanted to return to academia. Fortunately, in 1998 Bradley University
in conjunction with Caterpillar Corporation offered me the Lee
L. Morgan Endowed Chair in International Economic Affairs, a position
endowed by the CEO of Caterpillar, Mr. Lee L. Morgan.
I will be living in Southern California this Summer (May 21 –
August 20); my contact information is: tarzi@bumail.bradley.edu;
PH: 309-677-3653
Shah M. Tarzi, Ph.D. 82
Lee L. Morgan Endowed Chair and Professor
Greetings fellow poli sci graduates:
What a great idea to have a reunion - unfortuately, I am in Poughkeepsie,
New York visiting my father, so will be unable to attend. I am
a graduate of the class of 1972 and have many fond memories of
the Political Science Dept., particularly during the turmoil of
the Viet Nam War demonstrations on campus and trying to take a
final exam in Russian Foreign Policy. Not easy to concentrate.
I am very sorry to miss the opportunity to see Dr.s Loveridge,
Carney and Way again. I hope you all are well.
Since graduating from UCR, I worked in Washington, D.C. (thanks
to Dr. Loveridge's internship program) for four years and then
got my Masters Degree in City Planning from San Diego State. I
worked for 5 years in Portland Oregon and then moved to Seattle,
where I've been working for a variety of jurisedictions.
Have a great time - and I hope that you will do this again in
the near future.
Carol Lumb
While I will not be able to attend the Poli Sci
Reunion this weekend, I did read the information about the event
with interest. I also noticed the note at the end of the "Who's
Coming" list asking for information regarding additional
alumni. One name on the list is Frederick Lee Dyer, class of 1967.
Fred was a classmate and friend of mine at UCR. I am surprised
that after all of these years, word had not reached UCR. After
graduation, Fred became an officer in the US Marine Corps and
I lost track of him prior to my graduation in 1968. Sadly, many
years later, I learned why. Fred was killed in action in Vietnam
on July 2, 1968.
After I graduated in 1968, I returned to the Washington, DC area
to attend law school. After the Vietnam Memorial was opened, I
would stop by the Memorial several times a year. On one visit
while looking at the names, I saw the name Frederick Lee Dyer.
Hoping it was not my friend, I went through the directory of names
they used to have at the memorial site. Listed among the names
was 2nd Lt, US Marines, Frederick Lee Dyer, Upland, CA, Oct. 19,
1945 - July 2, 1968. Recognizing that it would be too great a
coincidence to be two different people, same name, hometown and
age, I cannot describe the sadness that I felt when I saw his
name in the book of names inscribed on the Wall. I actually had
a similar feeling when I saw his name on the list of missing alumni.
I have no idea whether anyone attending the Reunion knew or would
remember Fred. It really does not matter. What does matter is
that his fellow UCR alumni be aware of the sacrifice he made.
It was not a war that many Poli Sci majors at UCR in the mid '60's
believed in; quite the contrary. Fred was not a supporter of the
war, but he was committed to his obligation in the military. He
chose the Marine Corps and wanted to be a helicopter pilot and
was aware that Vietnam was in his future. Regardless of the merits
of the war, or the lack thereof, he served his country and I think
it is important that the UCR family be aware of his service and
Jerry C. May, UCR Class of 1968